Moving March 21, 2023

Moving Day Tips and Tricks to Ease Stress

Here are some moving day tips and tricks to help ease the stress of moving day:

First Night Box or Suitcase

Pack your essentials to get you through the first night and morning at your new house.

Bed sheets, pajamas, clothes for the next day, shower curtain, (curtain rod) towels, body wash, shampoo, toiletries, coffee, coffee filters, coffee mugs, cleaning supplies, chargers, toilet paper, hand towels, trash bags, paper towels, screw driver, scissors and hammer just name a few things.

Unpack Bedroom first

The first thing you should tackle is setting up bedrooms. At the very minimum put bed sheets and covers on the beds. Even if they are still lying on the floor because you can’t find the screwdriver to put the bed frames together. This way once you are absolutely exhausted you can just fall into bed! You won’t want to put on your bed sheets and get the kids ready for bed too. So tackle this early!

You have to get good sleep and take care of yourself to keep from burning out during a move, because the more run down you let yourself be the more likely you’ll end up getting sick! I’ve been there! Just as I thought the house was almost together enough to start slowing down my husband and I got so sick for a a couple of days because we were going, going, going and not taking care of ourselves.

Unpack Kitchen Second

The kitchen is the hub of the house. So, you’ll want to get it squared away and set up to avoid anymore chaos than is already happening in the rest of the house. This way you feel in control when someone inevitably starts screaming that they are hungry or thirsty, you know where the snacks and drinks are already. See this moving day stuff ain’t so bad when you feel in control of something! Now, it’s probably time to order pizza, those snacks aren’t going to hold the kids much longer.


You’ll want to take a shower eventually, maybe to wash off the day before sliding into that bed you already have made! So set up at least one bathroom to be able to take showers in, either that first night or first thing in the morning, so you can feel ready to tackle all the unpacking that is looming large in your life. It may seem impossible right now, but soon you will find places for everything and if it hasn’t already it will start to feel like home!

I hope these moving day tips and tricks ease your stress levels those first few days in a new home. Good luck on your move and I wish you all the happiness in your new home!